All you folks who think the banners are gone should probably realize they're NOT.
The only change coming is the
"disclaimer" which will be rolled out at four in the morning Wednesday
-- according to Journals Editor Joe, at least. Bet he thought he had an
easy job about a month ago.
I, too, didn't have any banners for a heartbeat or so. Then a bunch of
new ones showed up. Disappeared. Showed up. Disappeared. It's AOL's
version of a lap dance. Lots of teasing.
They're sticking their butts in our faces and saying na na na na na.
Wait till the advertisers find out there aren't really 600,000 journals
-- active, readable ones at least -- on AOL. If there is one
tenth that amount I will be shocked.
I would love to know what kind of BS-level target audience numbers were
foisted on the companies that are paying for those banners.
Did they use our hit counters that jump to 50,000 and drop to zero in
one breath to represent the amount of readership?
How were the totals skewed and twisted to convince those gullible
marketing veeps that their reach and frequency would merit the expense
they're forking out?
What a crock.
BIG WHOOP! How's it going "butter breath?" I guess you are going through holiday detox, right? ANNE
Right now you are sporting your previously pristine journal page. Very nice. I noticed last night not only the ad missing from mine, but the name of my journal as well. No, didn't think they'd listen to the paying customers. For now, it's just a walk down memory lane.
Doesn't it look mahvelous? Gawd something so simple. I know its a tease. They suck rocks. I'm going to enjoy the bannerless journals for 3.5 minutes or however long they're off.
=) kris
still at aol:
I GOT ALL EXCITED FOR NOTHING? Man, I shoulda just had sex........
Not to mention that everytime you blink you add to your counter. Then you might have dumb ass's like me who forget to just go the next blog from the fav. list, and hit the back button instead, adding at least 10 views. ;-)
To paraphrase "It's a Wonderful Life":
"Everytime you see a banner ad, a BofA ATM collects a fee"
F*ck 'em. F*ck 'em all.
Well lets see how hard they laugh when my subscription fee flutters on thier accounts departments screens for a second then disapears as my bank refuses to pay it due to lack of funds in my account again !
Now ya see it AOL now ya dont ! x
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