Wednesday, February 23, 2005

She's Baaa-ack

Okay, Mrs. Linklater is back, sort of.  She's been very busy traveling, working, blah blah blah. And not posting very much. She'll try to catch up soon. She liked something Scalzi posted this morning and thought she'd try it.


This is a fun thing that's been going around the Web these days, so I thought I'd import it here to the AOL-J: Ten Things I've Done You Probably Haven't.

The idea here is to note things you've done that you think are pretty unique -- although, given what's happened in other blogs and journals where this game is being played, you'll be surprised at how many people end up saying "Hey, I've done that, too!" Put them up in your own Journal and let the fun begin (you can also add your list in comments, or put a link back to any entry you write).

To get you started, here are ten things I've [SCALZI] done that you probably haven't:

1. Rewired a small planetarium to get it working for the first time in years.
2. Had a bus I was riding in pelted with rocks in a Palestinian refugee camp.
3. Been hit by a Ford Pinto (it didn't explode, but it did break my leg).
4. Told a joke to Harrison Ford.
5. Had a Nobel Prize winner as a thesis adviser (for about a week).
6. Broke a tooth by walking into a door.
7. Burned a book (I regretted this so much I still have the book as a reminder of my stupidity).
8. Named a child after a Greek goddess.
9. Broke my glasses intentionally to irritate one of my teachers (it worked).
10. Proposed to my wife in the local newspaper (I was a columnist at the time).

What are your ten things? Write them up on your own Journal or in the comment thread!

Mrs. Linklater's Ten Things:

1. Went on a horse roundup in Wyoming for her honeymoon. [Some people go to the Four Seasons, Mrs. Linklater went for the chuckwagon]

2. Flew in a glider in Colorado. [Followed a hawk as it floated on the thermals -- boy, was that fun]

3. Rode horseback up and down Ruthie's Run, a black diamond ski trial in Aspen. [Never did learn to ski very well.]

4. Sang in a jazz ensemble at Ravinia Music Festival. [There are no recordings, thank goodness.]

5. Spent a year in Second City's Touring Company. [Harold Ramis no longer recognizes her, however.]

6. Made Troy Aikman laugh. [She also made him sweat under some very hot lights.]

7. Dropped her Canon camera in a vat of red Kool Aid on top of a mountain. [That camera was never quite right afterward.  Ended up selling it for $5. Switched to Nikons.]

8. Ran down the gravel slides and the cog railway at Pike's Peak. [She got lost on the way down, but once you find the railway tracks, you're home.]

9. Played some guy's girlfriend in a Pabst beer commercial when she was seven months pregnant. [They shot her from the boobs up. And they were seven months pregnant boobs, so they could block out the sun]

10. And the tenth thing Mrs. Linklater has done that you probably never want to do -- She went to a dinner party in a red plaid bathrobe, pink fluffy slippers, her hair in rollers, and her face covered in a white gooey face mask. [One of her finest hours.]



Anonymous said...

I love going to Second City... down the street from a friend's place!  
I loved your answers!  I'm waiting for scoop on Troy!

Anonymous said...

#10.  My favorite outfit--anytime.

Anonymous said...

your poor Canon  ;-)  I wouldn't mind making Troy sweat, hehehe  ;-)


Anonymous said...

I want pink fluffy slippers!

Anonymous said...

A woman after my own heart...not afraid of trying anything new...including fuzzy slippers! Sandi

Anonymous said...

I liked your ten things....... I have to admit that at first I thought the upper list was yours, and when I got to number ten I almost fell out of my chair. (I thought, "Damn! No wonder we get along so well!!") I am back up to speed now and will not spread any rumors about Lovely Mrs. L.

:):):) judi

Anonymous said...

Spread all the rumors you want. It makes me seem mysterious.  Mrs. L