Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Like Herding Cats

The first picture below is a formal photo of the ladies-of-a-certain-age-who-sing-barbershop-in-sequins-and-polyester. That's not our real name, but it'll do. The photo was taken before our concert in October 2012, when I was only 68. I'm smack dab in the middle there. Frankly, as pictures of us go, I think this one is almost suitable for framing. 

But these other pictures [below], taken the day before at dress rehearsal, are the reason I think it's like herding cats to get a picture of us. The sunglasses were part of the show. In fact, they may have contributed to the difficulties. And our outfits were what we wore in the first half of the show. Yep. We do sequins and polyester costume changes. Next stop, Vegas. BTW, I'm not in these pictures, because I took them. Probably just as well.