Scalzi's weekend assignment is to reveal something you WANT. For instance, he wants to upgrade his digital camera to a D50 Nikon. For some of us, toys aren't enough.
I want to upgrade my eensy weensy house to a home on top of a mountain in Hawaii. A home that has a roof that opens up to the sky so I can see the stars and the moon at night.
A home that has no walls [except a few well placed for privacy] A home that has a stream running throughout with some waterfalls.
A home that has a fireplace in the center of everything -- a circular column of black marble with water streaming down the sides and a fireplace underneath, all surrounded by a sofa.
A home with indoor trees and plants arranged in natural settings not pots. With lots of native flowers in bloom throughout so the air smells fragrant all the time. And a gentle breeze bringing the outdoors into the rooms.
A home with bathrooms that are large and open with views of the mountainside through plate glass windows in the shower.
I think I'm going to need a helicopter to get up there, so better build some kind of landing pad for it.
Okay, time to come back down to earth.
EXTRA CREDIT: Will this make you happy? Let me move in and I'll let you know.
Sounds fabulous ....only thing is with all that trickling water about i think id be spending more time running to the loo than sitting enjoying the srroundings ! x
I want my younger dog to be a little more housebroken. Sigh. I also want to go to school again.
I want to get laid. Yeah, you heard me. I want it bad.
Ah, gentle breezes...
Have you ever watched "Honeymoon in Vegas"? The house James Caan's character owns in Hawaii might just be the house you're looking for.
You forgot the BEACH! add a covered veranda overlooking a white sandy beach and the clear ocean waters within walking distance..... and I'll go halvsies on that house with ya. ~Sie
The mountaintop house is on Kauai. The beach house is on the North Shore of Oahu. Mrs. L
Oh I wanna come! lol Wow that sounds perfect... Makes me want to start doing his assignments lol
Sounds nice to me:)
Remo's Fortress of Retirement Solitude sounds alot like that. Does yours have a moat?
Mrs. L.
I guess if you added the phrase, "...and someone to share it with," it would ruin the whole thing, right?
Sam -- do you think with a house like that I'd be alone for one minutes? Mrs. L
With the exception of the Hawaii part, the house you are describing is a basic Franl Lloyd Wright. Check out "Fallingwater" sometime.
Frank Lloyd bad, Frank.
I want to share your builder!!
Maybe live in the same neighborhood.
Even give ya "HEY" from the landing pads as we escpae for a beautiful evening.
Now that is what I am talking about~
Wishing you health, happiness and laughter.
That sounds totally awesome!! I want that too!!
OMG {{{{{Mrs. L}}}}} that does sound like Heaven! Can we have a J-Land bash when you get this tropical estate? I saw you in the chat on Sunday but I didn't get to 'talk' to you.... :(
wait a minute ... your 'dream' home sounds alot like Hitler's at OberSalsburg.
When you dream, you dream BIG! Sounds lovely.
I was gonna go for ending world hunger, but after reading yours, I say, screw 'em.
holy cat fish jumping I want to be your room mate and have a very rich boyfriend that I love and loves me who pays all of our bills and needs for this big house and plane. oh yes one other thing we need some animals around our land. most of all never ever have to work another day in our life.
Wow, you topped me. I wanted a midcentury mansion in the Tucson foothills. Still do. But yours reminds me of my old dream of a mountaintop castle overlooking a California beach. - Karen\
Watch out for the volcanoes! Naw, sounds heavenly.
- Pandora -
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