These shoes belong to my former college roommate. She's wearing them in case you can't tell. These are just one of many pairs of shoes she has. In fact, she has so many different kinds of shoes that I stopped taking pictures of her and started taking pictures of her shoes instead. Who knew they would come in handy for one of Scalzi's photo assignments. I guess I owe her lunch or something.
ooo lol those are cute lol Mom would like those lol she loves shoes like that lol
Ha -- Mom shoes. I forget how old my friends and I are. Mrs. L
OUCH....makes my feet hurt just looking at them. Anne
holy crap they look like they hurt. Beautiful, but why do we do this to ourselves? Everybody knows that men got us wearing these shoes and tight skirts so that if the theater ever caught on fire they would get out first......................:) And just where are her poor toes????????
I loved your choice for this photo shoot my friend.
Pairof something...and you do SHOES? <sigh>
Mrs. L
Don't buy this poor lady lunch. Buy her a new pair of shoes, LOL!
those are fabulous!! i'm a shoe girl too. i LOVE shoes!!! was there a matching purse?
Forgive me, Mrs L, but I couldn't resist.....
Anyone else disappointed when they saw her subject title and thought she'd found that picture that her former "friend" took of her, that she recently wrote about?
LOL.....AFOTFLHAO2 (Alexis falling on the floor laughing her ass off too)
Na na na na na. See the next entry. Mrs. L
heeheehee, must say though, the shoes are fabulous, all they need is a nice 4 inch heel ;-)
Hmmm. Very Pucci-esque.
Fun entry!
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