Monday, June 7, 2004

Late Assignment

Answer: Sometimes Mrs. Linklater has a life.  Question:  So how come your assignment is late?

Okay -- here are the novels that have a character which best reflects everything about Mrs. Linklater, assuming she wanted a stranger to get a clue about her:

One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly, Four to Score, High Five, Hot Six, Seven Up, Hard Eight, To the Nines, Ten Big Ones.

The character is Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter. The author is Janet Evanovich, which means Son of Evan [maybe] in Russian. Mrs. Linklater's middle name is Evans, which means Son of Evan [or John] in Welsh. Or Johnson in English. Which means Evanovich might also mean Johnson in English.  So somewhere, somehow, Mrs. Linklater and Ms. Evanovich might be related. Or not.

The novels are pure fun -- plane reads, beach reads, bathroom reads.  The kind that don't tax your brain, but make you laugh -- a very important aspect of life for Mrs. Linklater, who reads non-fiction mostly when she wants to be serious -- Boys in the Band, Prozac Backlash, and anything about serial killers or multiple personalities

Mrs. Linklater loves the characters, especially Grandma. Morelli and Ranger are pretty tasty, too. Ms. Plum and Mrs. Linklater both seem to have a propensity for commando types.

Fair warning: Mrs. Linklater's male friends do not like Stephanie Plum books. They'd rather curl up with Ed McBain. Mrs. Linklater's female friends love them. Like chocolate words.

Extra credit:  A novel someone recommended that Mrs. Linklater didn't like. People recommend novels to Mrs. Linklater all the time. She often wonders why. She ignores all suggestions. So she is never disappointed.

Okay, assignment done. Back to having a life.




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