Mrs. Linklater
recently hooked up her counter again, in case you're wondering why she
only has a few hundred hits over there. AOL doesn't have anything to
let people know when the counter is going to get an attack of PMS and revert to
zero or turn itself off. If you decided to
turn it off yourself "they" won't change the date when you decide to start
it up again. Or remember how many hits you had before or how many you
have had since. The counter always reverts to zero and the day you
began your journal.
What a crock.
So after months of feeding her numbers crunching addiction which began
on DAY ONE of this journal, Mrs. L took down the counter over a year
ago, when it went ka-blooey and kept re-starting itself.
Soon after it
began acting up, she also received a mysterious TOS violation notice
for ALLEGEDLY uploading porn somewhere on her FTP space. While she was
sleeping. Here at AOL Journals one is guilty until proven innocent.
Nothing you
can say or do makes any difference. You aren't going to win when you
get accused. If you haven't already discovered that, just try
cancelling your membership.
Except for Armand of Un-Common Sense, NO ONE has ever been found
innocent of a TOS violation. He is a member of our armed forces.
He has weapons at his disposal -- especially one that came in handy -- using AOL's
own words to trip them up. But most of us don't have his
firepower. Or perseverance.
Recently, Mrs. L realized she had a
number of lurkers, so she decided to start counting hits again. Despite
the risk. Right after loading up the counter again, she hit the
JOURNALS front page as an editor's pick. Has she mentioned how
much she deserves to be on that list?
Looks like there's about two
hundred hits for the ten or so comments in the journal. Twenty hits per
comment. Okay some of those are Mrs. Linklater coming back to see
if there are any more hits. Ah, the addiction starts again.
I finally put in a free counter that AOL has nothing to do with; believe me, your AOL counter WILL mess up again. Journalseditor tells of a way to put your own numbers in the AOL counter, but it's way too complicated for me.
Oh! Don't mind me. Just lurking.
My Counter is always restarting itself. It's extrememly annoying. Can't AOL do anything right? I can't believe I actually asked that question. I bet if the counter was in the ads at the tops of our Journals they'd be accurate. Hugs, LeighAnn
I am glad you mentioned the exodus. I miss them so much. I do read some of them at their new spot, but face it the community has been bombed! YOU are a bright shinning star here. I don't comment every time but I always read you. Oh BTW......Andi and I are in ARIZONA, heading back to OZ. I now know what HELL is like........dust and smog and 116 degrees. Anne
I love using sitemeter for free. Not only does it provide an accurate count, it gives you weekly reports, tells you from where people are viewing your blog, how long they stayed, and averages. Very cool stuff.
If you are interested, just click on the sitemeter icon on the right side of my screen.
HEY!!!! Watch it lady.....THAT was my "easy button", not the sitemeter icon...
ha ha
I have an addiction like that with my own journal! LOL. i found yours through the editor's pick. I think I will be enjoying it very much!! Tina
Still lurking Mrs. L! Congrats on the Editor's Pick!
You can upload porn to your FTP space?
Oh, Mr. Innocent. You're the guy who probably got me in trouble. Mrs. L
I didn't think that counter thing was accurate. I don't have much faith in any of the special effects AOL attaches to things. I have a pretty new computer but it can't support the software to fix a home page so I can upload/download pictures and graphics to put in my journal. I have to use that little add picture block at the top if I want to put a picture in. Ahh, oh well. Kathy
Humm and then there would be the addicts like me who come back a few times a day, hoping someone has updated their journal so I have something to do, other than the laundry, or mop, or the dishes.
If only the bathroom scale were as forgetful as the hit counter, resetting itself all the time....
I took mine out for a bit, but put it back because...well you know. You're an addict too. lol
Okay! Okay! I admit it! I'm a lurker! Err, I was! Oh what the heck-I'm a fan in any case Mrs L! Can't get through a day without stopping by. And yeah I read both of 'em!
Aha, got you to come out from under the bridge! Mrs. L
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