Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chuck Wolf, M.S.

If Sylvester Stallone were tall and Jewish, Chuck Wolf is who he would look like. I found this picture of my softball coach from *mumble mumble* years ago. I Googled him and it looks like he's gone on to become an elite exercise physiologist and consultant, writing books with esoteric titles like Human Motion Manual -- A Pictoral Guide to Functional Integrated Movement Patterns. He's also getting rave reviews for his lectures on body mechanics and other stuff I have never understood.

The first time I met him I was trying out for a spot as a pitcher on his women's team. He told me to throw some stuff his way. I said, "Do you want to hit it?" He laughed and said, "Just pitch it." I threw the first pitch and he hit a home run to right field. Then he switched to the other side of the plate and nodded toward me to throw the ball again. I threw one pitch and he hit a home run to left field. Then he started hitting home runs to opposite fields.

So Chuck, how's the family? Lauren? The kids? Your sister? You talk to Peter anymore? I thought he'd be dead by now. I found this picture when I was sorting through a huge box of photos from the 80's and 90's. Got me a new pair of hips this year. Shiny titanium ones. Polish 'em every day. Don't want them to get corroded. If you Google yourself -- I mean WHEN you Google yourself -- and find this entry with your name all over it, let's do lunch. *kiss* *kiss*

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