Thursday, July 29, 2004

We're Working On The Poster Even as We Speak


Mrs. Linklater has been doing so much up and downloading that it might be construed as a masked vulgarity, but she's just trying to get all these pictures you've sent to her transferred to a HEFTY HEFTY MAC and off her WIMPY WIMPY GATEWAY. 

Meanwhile, you can still send in your picture for the POSTER. There's no reason not to keep adding people throughout the celebration.  We'll find a spot for you.

A special thank you to Jeffcomedy [she's dropping names now in a shameless attempt to get other people to send their pix] for sending his today at Mrs. L's request, even though he is in the midst of his own unique and yet very mysterious project which he claims will be ready TOMORROW.  Way ahead of Mrs. Linklater. 

Meanwhile, Mrs. L will soon be trolling through J-Land hunting down more people who haven't sent a picture. No pressure.  It's up to you.  But sometimes, it's nice to get an invitation, don't you think? 

Mrs. L is happy she finally has some time to really concentrate on the POSTER for the next couple of days. After almost a month of work work work. [Hey, Troy Aikman was WORK.] Or stuff that passes for it.

If the thought of her begging at your journal is more than you can bear, just send a jpg ATTACHMENT to jevanslink and save yourself the agony of her visit..

Oh -- The AOL Journals people emailed Mrs. L and said they want to see the poster when it's done. Apparently they read the entry where she was asking [okay, begging] for photos.

Hm-m-m. Why does hearing from the Journal peeps make you feel like you're in high school and the creepy security guy has broken into your locker to search for drugs? And even though there aren't any, he's kept your lunch and accidentally [on purpose] dropped your private stash of Tampax all over the hallway?

The editors sneak into your journal and read what you write like parents sniffing around your room. All of a sudden you get an email so you know they've been going through your stuff. And you can't mask any vulgarities because it's too late.

So Mrs. Linklater figures she better do a NICE poster and not the ICKY one she had planned.






Anonymous said...

You mean they won't consider me unless I quit with the cussin'?
<sadly> I dont even use my FAV's...definitely R-rated...anyway, glad you waded thru that big ole' pile of work you had. And can't wait to see the poster...will you include my Gerbies on there too? <my kids:one tubby black cocker, one somewhat cranky white poodle>


Anonymous said...

I cant wiat to see this picture. Lori

Anonymous said...

This poster will be spectacular!  Thank you for staying up late at night, hunting down people who haven't sent their pics yet!  (Thinking that I'm really glad I got this assignment done early!! yikes!  Scary old lady with a camera peeking in my windows!)