Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blog Analytics Since 2014

The number of monthly hits on this blog has doubled since I was contacted by a detective in Wyoming and posted her information here so victims could contact her about the criminal case against Bill Bricker.  

Something else I've noticed is that most of the hits this blog is getting are from Spain, not the U.S. I would have expected that most interest in this case[s] would be generated from inside the US, although I know there are victims who now live outside the country. But I have no idea why Spain is checking out what goes on here in ever increasing numbers. More than in the U.S. Unless it's some kind of porn thing and this case shows up in their Google searches. Several other countries are also checking in with greater numbers than usual. 

Meanwhile, many other things are happening, none of which I feel like sharing, all of which are serving to make me even more cynical about the BSA, the emotional paralysis victims have, the failures of our justice system, the uselessness of anyone who claims to be an expert on suicide, and how far up the food chain a pedophile's protection can go. 

No good deed goes unpunished. Lesson learned. 

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